
What exactly is counselling? The general work of counselling is to address your basic feelings of helplessness, fear and inability to make decisions or effectively function in day to day living.

I’m trained in various modalities but there is no one particular approach I subscribe to because no one size fits all. Instead I find it useful  to help identify the values and belief systems of clients to see how they stack up against change and unmet expectations.

Contrary to popular belief, counselling is not instructional because you are ultimately the expert of your life, but it’s about journeying and collaboration towards shared goals.


  • Anger & Anxiety Management
  • Depression (General loss of interest, low energy, sadness & suicidal ideation)
  • Family &  Relationship Issues
  • Grief
  • Life Transition
  • Loss of Identity & Self Worth


  • S$120 per hour/face-to-face session
  • S$660 for 6 sessions
  • S$800 for 8 sessions
  • $100 per hour viaVideo
  • $280 for 3 sessions via Video
  • $580 for 6 sessions via Video
  • $750 for 8 sessions via Video